Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Growing. . . .

Chris and Aaron have joined our classroom in the last two weeks. We now have 9 boys and 8 girls.

Look for pictures soon of our pumpkin carving this Friday and of our Book Character Costume Parade next Monday!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Pumpkins. . .

We would love as many adult volunteers as possible for our pumpkin carving this Friday at 2pm. We will be comparing different types of pumpkins, estimating and grouping the seeds, and then carving them. I will also be bringing in some pumpkin treats, which we will eat while we watch Charlie Brown's Great Pumpkin movie.

Please please let me know if you are available.

Friday, October 07, 2005


After all was said and done (and read!), we raised one thousand, four hundred dollars for Hurricane Katrina victims. The kids did a fabulous job reading. I also had several kids bring in money from their piggy banks.

Things are going well here. William Shakespeare is still alive, thanks in part to the addition of another fish, Langston Hughes. They keep each other company.

We are studying Weather/The Water Cycle in Science. One of the kids, after learning that clouds are made up of water molecules, exclaimed, "So it rains when the cloud gets fat? It goes on a diet, then. My uncle needs to learn from the clouds." I laugh every day.

In Social Studies, we are about to learn the 7 continents and all of our map skills. Thank you for sending us so many postcards already. The kids LOVE getting postcards. We are now getting postcards on a daily basis.

Thanks for checking in on us!

Saturday, October 01, 2005