Friday, January 27, 2006

I spy with my eye. . . .

Homophones are words that sound the same but are not spelled the same and have different meanings. We have been thinking up as many different homophone pairs as we can. We made flash cards and are playing games with them. PBS' Between the Lions features a great homophone duet here.

One fun activity we did this week involved writing silling sentences using homophones. Here are some of them:

Two kids got in too much trouble and are going to the principal's office.

The boy tried to write with his right foot.

He had to tow the truck with his giant toe.

I read my homework until I was red in the face.

If you think of any good ones, we'd love to hear from you here. :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

"Why didn't they switch to the fork when it was invented?"

A much promised adventure occured today: we learned--or tried to learn, at least--- how to use chop-sticks. (This actually is tied in to our SOLs: we've been studying Ancient China.)

I was mortified by how bad I was at showing kids to use them. Some picked it up quickly, but others struggled a lot and were more inventive in their technique. (My personal favorite: the two handed double-grip used by N. in the bottom picture.) We ate goldfish, marshmallows, baby carrots, and rice krispie treats. Then they took them to the cafeteria with them to attack the meal du jour: taco salad.

Such fun times. . . .

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Ick. . . . Ooblick!

Some kids thought the slime was fun. . .

After studying the properties of solids, liquids, and gases, we entered into the mysterious world of OOBLICK this afternoon. Ooblick---an easy-to-make slime--- is both a solid and a liquid. We definitely earned our messy stripes today and I'm sure I'll have parents shaking their heads as they scrape green goop off their children's pants, shoes, and faces.

Others weren't quite as enthusiastic. . .

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


Langston Hughes AND William Shakespeare died last night. We have a 3 for 3 fish death rate in our classroom and we're not sure we should get another pet. Freddie wants us to get a parrot and a couple of others want us to get a dog. We'll see. . . .

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Mad Science

We've had fun with Science experiments of late. These pictures are of some Erosion studies and we're about to venture onto Planet OOBLICK this week. Check again for pictures of that. Please know you are always welcome to come to our class to help us learn more. We would love your brains.