Monday, May 29, 2006

On the loose

A limerick:

Albert Einstein's our class pet
A meaner hamster you can't really get
He isn't a chum
He bit Conradi's thumb
And now out of the cage he has fled!

EGAD!! He's loose!

So far, 3 fish, 3 tadpoles, and 3 frogs have died under our care. The only survivors (unless we find Einstein alive) are our caterpillars tucked into their coccoons. Let's hope the butterflies make it out fine.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

50 Ways to Love Your Lever

We're studying simple machines these days. . . .

It's not a vision in your head, she said to me.
But a machine when you've work to do simply.
I'd like to help you understand mechanically,
There must be fifty ways to love your lever.
She said, it's got a fulcrum or a pivot point, you know,
Relative to the points of effort and of load.
And what is lost in force is gained in motion, so
There must be fifty ways to love your lever.

Just slip out the jack, Mack.
Use a pry bar, Carl.
Those pliers employ, Roy.
Just listen to me.
Work that pump, Gump.
Fill a wheel barrow, Cheryl.
Magnify the force, Doris,
And let your lever be.

She said, there's three kinds of levers you can use,
When you've heavy weights to lift or motion to infuse.
And I realized that though she was missing a few screws,
There must be fifty ways to love your lever.
In some, the fulcrum's in between the effort and the load.
Or at one end as in the nutcracker you hold.
In others, the effort's in the middle mode.
There must be fifty ways to love your lever.